
Visual Art 1

Students are introduced to the rigor and routine of the art production process including:  planning, producing, and reflecting on art.  With an emphasis on studio arts, students explore a wide range of 2D and 3D media, skills and techniques, as related to contemporary and historical art perspectives.  Projects may include but not be limited to:  drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media, pottery, and sculpture.  Students develop technical skills, foster their expressive abilities and employ the use of the elements of art throughout the production process.

Visual Art 2

Students investigate contemporary and historical art themes using 2D and 3D media, skills and techniques; while engaging in the art production process within a studio arts environment.  Projects may include but are not limited to:  drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media, pottery, and sculpture.  Students create new meaning from various media formats, and communicate artistic ideas through the intentional use of the elements of art within their work.  Students interpret meaning in their artwork and the artwork of others through discussion, on various artistic concepts, viewpoints, and themes; drawing their own conclusions and employing this knowledge both expressively and technically.

Contact information can be found here.